Dame Helen Mirren plays Linda

Helen Mirren Nominated for SAG Award & Golden Globe. Bette Midler to Play Mae West.
Follow both Helen Mirren and Bette Midler on Twitter: Twitter Photo Composite Courtesy Helen Mirren and Bette Midler Two media related hits caused some excitement two days in a row. First, it is so terrific to get the news that Dame Helen Mirren was nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance… Read More »

True Crime: The Real Defense Attorney Weighs In
The original of this story can be found at http://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/true-crime-phil-spectors-real-defense-attorney-weighs-in-on-hbo-movie/. True Crime- Phil Spector’s Real Defense Attorney Weighs in on HBO Movie

Mirren, Mamet, Hausman, Pacino-Some Behind the Scenes Photos
Behind the Scenes at the The HBO Wrap Party Helen Mirren, Linda and her husband Dr. Michael Baden Dr. Michael Baden, Linda, Helen Mirren and David Mamet The HBO Wrap Party Linda with the the most gracious Al Pacino and the wonderful Len Amato of HBO. David Mamet, Dame Helen Mirren and Linda Sharing… Read More »

HBO Helen Mirren and Al Pacino NYC Subway Photos
One day unexpectedly my email, phone and text messages started to go crazy. Turned out that the advertising for the HBO Phil Spector movie appeared simultaneously mass transit subway stations. Here are a few pictures that were sent to me.