NOW I SING? I am co-founder of Sports Court Media with my biz partner Tamara Holder. It’s the only place for the best analysis of sports and law. We just released the chorus of our new rap single about sex, violence and drugs in sports. Come check it out here and spread the verse!
Women Lawyers: Jonathan Martin’s Family Changes the Dynamic in the Miami Dolphins Incognito Case
As a trial lawyer and co-founder of Sports Court Media, I recently posted an article titled Jonathan Martin’s Family Changes the Dynamic in the Miami Dolphins Incognito Case. When I went back onto the page to look at the story about Jonathan Martin’s mother, I was struck by the fact that the screenshot quite… Read More »
Incognito No More: Sexual Assault, Gang Rape Threatened and More!
Here is the one page police report from the Adventura, FL police department concerning Richie Incognito and his sexual assault of an African-American woman. Notice that Incognito’s consumption of alcohol is referred to as being a factor in the incident harkening to the video of his likely drunken N word bar rant. Allegedly, Incognito… Read More »
To Richie Incognito: Remember-There’s No Crying in Football!
As a lawyer who has handled many racial discrimination cases and many workplace harassment cases, I feel very strongly about the Richie Incognito, Jonathan Martin, Miami Dolphins, NFL disgrace. Here was the piece I wrote for Sports Court Media. Courtesy TMZ/ A League of Their Own Remember part of the the famous conversation in… Read More »
The New York (and New Jersey) Jets
As you know I am a New York Jets fan. I cover the games for my new sports and law venture with my biz partner Tamara Holder. I am also a season ticket holder. As everyone knows, I am a Jersey girl through and through. I make no apologies for my Jersey accent. I… Read More »