Linda Kenney Baden Presents at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting in Seattle

On February 20, 21 and 22, 2018, I presented in front of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting in Seattle, Washington. The Academy is composed of over 6,000 members that actively practice forensic science. I first spoke at the Tuesday workshop with the presentation entitled “Tapestry of Trials — the Aaron Hernandez Case.” The following day, I was the keynote speaker at the Jurisprudence Section annual luncheon and on Thursday presented an open scientific paper with Dr. Jamie Downs entitled “Autopsy, Case Studies and Fingerprints.” Of course, with just a few hours left to stay in Seattle, I took time with my husband Michael ( Dr. Michael Baden) to visit the new Amazon Go store and witness this new technology first hand, have lunch with the fabulous Dr. Dragan Primorac former Minister of Science for Croatia-, and see the first Starbucks store where coffee is still made manually. As we were walking , we came across a great initiative, a bookstore selling inexpensive books you could send to prisoners. Along the way we also met Velcro, a standard poodle service dog. It made me miss our Valjean, hence the “artwork”!

Linda Kenney Baden Presenting at the AAFS Workshop (enhanced screen)

Linda Kenney Baden and Dr. Michael Baden at Amazon Go

Just Walk Out mugs at Amazon GO

Dr. Dragan Primorac having Lunch with Linda Kenney Baden and Dr. Michael Baden

Linda Kenney Baden at the First Starbucks

Books for Prisoners – Photo by Linda Kenney Baden

Velcro a Service Standard Poodle – Photo by Linda Kenney Baden

Missing Valjean by Linda Kenney Baden