Welcome! Benvenuto! Bem Vindo! Bienvenido! Dobrodosli! Ni Hao Ma! Bienvenue! Benvido! Härzliche Wöikomme!

Welcome to all my friends all over the world. In 2009, I bought my website name www.LindaKenneyBaden.com. It announced “WEBSITE COMING SOON!”Here’s the commemorative screenshot.
Well, it is finally here. Sort of. This is not my law office website as I first anticipated but my own personal media and entertainment internet space.
Having been a Huffington Post blogger I became more intrigued with the notion that it would be easier to express my in-depth thoughts on sports and other media commentary, that I often do on television or in print, on my own personal space. As you all know, I have been commenting on matters in the news for years, much of it from a guest legal perspective for many networks.
And for more in- depth sports commentary, you can go to my sister site SPORTS COURT MEDIA who I co-founded with my biz partner the fabulous Tamara Holder, Esq.
My law office website is still in development- or as I can proclaim again-COMING SOON! This time with the help of my web developer Mr. Koji Flowers of Big Cloud Media I anticipate a launch before the end of the year. It will be located at www.LindaKenneyBadenLaw.com. BTW he is not paying me for the mention- okay I have now fulfilled my duties under federal law.
No personal website would be complete without a shout out to the three men that have lived with me the last few years. My wonderful husband Dr. Michael Baden, who is my co-author of our mystery books REMAINS SILENT and SKELETON JUSTICE.
Linda with her husband Dr. Michael Baden getting ready for the New York Emmys
My newest dog-son Valjean.
Valjean and Linda Kissing
And my dearest Mycroft- RIP.
Linda, Michael and Mycroft
Thanks for all of your support.